How in your view could an impeachment process influence the 2020 presidential election?
I think the cloud of impeachment could affect the 2020 presidential election and is potentially detrimental for President Trump. The extent to which this is detrimental is hard to say. However, if it turns out badly for Democrats and if the public becomes convinced that the impeachment attempt is unwarranted and motivated by partisan considerations it could turn around and partially backfire on Democrats.
That was the case in the Clinton impeachment in 1999?
Yes, but in spite of the alleged backfire against the Republicans; Democrats lost the next presidential election. Al Gore, Clinton’s vice president was less able to claim credit for the good economy and other successes of the Clinton years because of the scandal and dishonor associated with Clinton’s escapades and the consequent impeachment. So if Democrats are able to build a case that the majority of the public finds compelling, it would substantially weaken Trump’s reelection chances.
So impeachment is not really about whether the President committed the articles of impeachment, or a “High Crime or Misdemeanor” but rather about whether the President’s opponents are able to convince the public about rejecting the President’s overall policy aspiration?
Where the public stands always matters in impeachment fights, because it affects the views of elected representatives who know they are going to have to face the public in the next election. So if the belief is that the public is backing the President, as the Democrats thought in the 1990s, this tends to stiffen the will of the members of the President’s party to stay with the President and to oppose the passage of articles of impeachment. On the other hand, as was the case with President Richard Nixon, if popularity dips to lower numbers as larger portions of the public seem to be becoming convinced that the President has engaged in some kind of wrongdoing worthy of impeachment, this can create an opening for erosion of presidential support even among members of the President’s party in Congress. Nixon resigned rather than go through the whole impeachment process. This resignation was probably driven by the belief that it was quite likely that had that process played out all the way he would have been impeached and he wanted to spare the country that fight.